Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM)

M. avium complex, M. genavense, M. kansasii

Primary Prophylaxis

Prophylaxis is not recommended if ART is started

Prophylaxis may be considered for persons with CD4 counts < 50 cells/μL who remain viremic on ART (drug resistant HIV with no option to achieve virologic control); exclude disseminated MAC disease before starting

  Drug / Dose Comments

Regimens listed are alternatives

1200-1250 mg/week po

Check for interactions with ARVs, see Drug-drug Interactions between ARVs or and Non-ARVs




500 mg bid po

300 mg qd po

Check for interactions with ARVs, see Drug-drug Interactions between ARVs or and Non-ARVs

Active TB should be ruled out before starting rifabutin

Diagnosis and treatment

clinical appearance and cultures of blood, lymph nodes, bone marrow or other usually sterile specimen.

Notes on treatment:
for any treatment regimen, check interactions with ARVs, see Drug-drug Interactions between ARVs and Non-ARVs and Anti-infective and ART interactions table

Active TB should be ruled out before starting anti-TB drugs (rifampicin, rifabutin, ethambutol, isoniazid)

  Drug / Dose Comments

Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC)

Preferred therapy

500 mg bid po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/kg qd po
± rifabutin
300 mg qd po (or 150 mg qd if PI/b)



- 12 months, then secondary prophylaxis



- rifabutin can be considered in case of severe disease, if resistance to mac­rolides or ethambutol is suspected, or in case of high bacterial load (> 2*log of CFU/mL of blood).

rifabutin is indicated if ART is not given

rifabutin can be replaced by:
+ levofloxacin/moxifloxacin
500 mg qd po/400 mg qd po
+ amikacin
10-15 mg/kg qd iv

levofloxacin/moxifloxacin or amikacin can be considered as 4th drug for disseminated or severe/refractory disease (no data on additional benefit)

500 mg/day qd po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/kg/day po

Consider additional drugs as above

Mycobacterium kansasii

600 mg qd po
(OR rifabutin
300 mg qd po)
+ isoniazid
300 mg qd po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/kg qd po

12 months after negative culture

600 mg qd po
(OR rifabutin
300 mg qd po)
+ clarithromycin
500 mg bid po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/day qd po

Secondary Prophylaxis / Maintenance Therapy

MAC infection

Stop: if CD4 count > 100 cells/μL and HIV-VL undetectable over 6 months and MAC treatment for at least 12 months

  Drug / Dose 

Mycobacterium avium (MAC)

Regimens listed are alternatives

500 mg bid po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/kg qd po

500 mg qd po
+ ethambutol
15-20 mg/kg qd po